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E-waste Recycling

Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle. Got old computer bits you don't need? Give them to us.


Electronic devices produce a HUGE amount of e-waste each year and this, more often than not, ends up in a landfill after being thrown out with general waste.


To help reduce this problem, Waihi Computers operates and E-waste Collection Centre, accepting computer and phone components for recycle.


We take the components and either reuse them as they are after checking and making any necessary repairs, or repurpose them by using the components in other devices. Whatever is left over is sent for recycling to minimise any waste.

Image by PR MEDIA
Fixing a Computer

E-waste Collection Centre

If you've got some old computers, LCD screens, or other bits and pieces that are past their use-by date or you simply no longer need, contact us and we'll help you recycle them. Mostly this service is free.


Some items cannot be recycled. These include old CRT style TV's, flat-screen TV's, monitors and printers. These items, along with other miscellaneous e-waste, are still accepted but attract a disposal fee.


Whatever you decide to do with your old computer, laptop or phone, make sure your personal data is deleted first. At Waihi Computers this service is provided free, providing peace-of-mind knowing your personal data will be wiped from the device before it is recycled.

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